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The fruit and vegetable company G’s España Holdings, S.L., through one of its own group’s agricultural companies in Spain, has decided to sanction 59 employees with a 60-day suspension of employment and salary.
A day without work has been enough for G’s to want to teach its employees about who is in charge of the company and who has to be obeyed.
On January 22nd of this year 2020, after the intense rains of the previous days, the workers of the lettuce plantation of the company Frutas y Hortalizas del Sureste, S.L., belonging to the group G’s, faced with the conditions of waterlogging and mud on the farm where they had to carry out their plantation work, asked for suitable shoes, water boots, instead of working with their own shoes not suitable to the muddy state of the land, something that the company denied them. This business refusal, together with the fact that the company itself had provided the correct shoes to other employees from another farm, meant that those now sanctioned decided not to go to work because they were unable to carry out the work, due to a lack of equipment.
The response of the company Frutas y Hortalizas del Sureste, of the G’s group, has not been long in coming, 60 days of suspension of employment and salary.
The company’s sanction is added to the treatment that has been given to these workers, who have been asking repeatedly for areas to eat, instead of doing it on the ground with a clutter of trees; or lack of toilets, having to do their needs on the farms themselves or in adjacent areas, etc.
The same workers report that the mobile canteens are set up when they are audited, and then taken away again.
For its part, the company, after sanctioning its employees with 60 days of employment and salary, has resorted to workers from the Temporary Work Agency.
After the public denunciation of the workers, through the Sindicato REDES, from where we have initiated contact with the company, in order to coordinate a meeting to try to resolve the situation of these unjustly sanctioned workers.
The press release was transferred to different media, and can be seen through these links: